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estetik cerrahi

The issue of studying abroad

estetik cerrahi One day, a patient of mine sent me a message and asked: "Sir, I looked at your CV. You have never been abroad for education.." I never find patients' questions unfounded. He is asking because he does not know; but this question really pissed me off. The underlying problem is not ignorance, but a "collective feeling of inferiority". My patient is automatically conditioned to the fact that all kinds of education are better abroad, that we are lagging behind in foreign countries. I wrote the following answer to the patient: "Yes, I didn't go abroad for training, but foreign surgeons shouldn't expect me to go there to give training. Let them come, I'll train them in Istanbul." Be sure, I didn't write this answer because of a personal megalomania. I wrote this because I was angry on behalf of the Turkish plastic surgery community. Not only me, but many of my colleagues are approached with the same thought. "Did he go abroad? Did he study abroad?".. You may not believe it, but Turkish plastic surgery is in a very good position around the world. We have many colleagues who have published highly respected, very important articles. Where did the world's first double arm transplant and the world's first womb transplant (and subsequent womb delivery) take place? Germany? Is it France? United States? No! Türkiye, Antalya, at Akdeniz University! The team at Antalya medical school (Prof. Dr. Ömer Özkan and his team) has accomplished many important surgeries that are the first in the world. Did the Italians perform the surgery, which is referred to as the "Istanbul flap" in the literature in penile repairs? No, the person who introduced this flap to the world literature with the name "Istanbul" is Prof. Dr. Mehmet Mutaf is Who developed the popular rhinoplasty technique of recent years, "Preservation rhinoplasty"? Our dear colleague Op. Dr. Barış Çakır.. We have many colleagues who proudly announce the name of our country on international platforms. Despite this, our patients check whether we have received education abroad in CVs. Let alone training, many of my colleagues train foreign surgeons by personally training them. Please let's get rid of this feeling of inferiority first. Some countries that are admired are never mentioned in the world of plastic surgery. For example, a single famous German surgeon who introduced a new technique to the world today does not come to mind, because there is no such thing. Do you know who are the famous plastic surgery specialists in Germany? Turkish surgeons! Be sure, most of the countries you call abroad are actually far behind our country.

estetik cerrahi We had a lot of time at home during the pandemic quarantine period, and we spent this time reading a lot of medical journals and articles. As you know, the surgery I do the most is male genital plastic surgery. Mainly penis enlargement. I was astounded as I read the articles on this subject. There were serious errors in many articles; some of them were completely wrong, completely garbage in my eyes; but the journal editors evaluated the articles and had them published because they found it technically suitable for publication. However, the information in many articles and even some research articles were fundamentally, completely wrong. Since the editor did not have any information on this subject, he evaluated the article from a technical point of view and gave permission for publication. If I were the editor, I would send back at least half of the articles I read and would not allow them to be published. Let me explain the reasons, so you can understand how far behind us those "overseas" countries are.

estetik cerrahi For example, there is an article made in South Korea and published in the journal Aesthetic plastic surgery. The fat removal technique described here is completely wrong. I do not want to go into technical details, but if asked, I will explain in detail. Then the amount they inject for thickening is very low. I don't think it does any good.

estetik cerrahi In many articles (especially articles from the USA), the amount of elongation achieved in the penis was measured in millimeters. I don't find this realistic at all. I think the length of the penis can only be measured during an erection (which doesn't even provide an exact measurement; the penis may have a slight erection or an erection as hard as a stone). In the books it says for measurement: "Pull the penis and let go.. Take the measurement by holding the ruler to the base of the penis." This doesn't seem realistic to me at all. Especially when I see the millimetric measurements in the articles, I can't take that article seriously anymore. The penis is such a tissue that it takes a thousand tricks for you not to measure it. For one thing, there is no bone in this organ. Not a hard texture, but soft. It is affected by air temperature and emotional states. On top of all this, a tissue that comes to an erection. Even the beauty of the female opposite the man affects the hardness of the erection. You cannot measure the size of this organ, which has nothing fixed, in millimeters!. In this case, what are the measurements like "We have elongated 27 millimeters... We have elongated 32 millimeters" in scientific articles? If I were the editor, I would send the article back as soon as I saw these exact measurements. "How did you measure your penis size so precisely bro?" I would also ask.

estetik cerrahi In an article from a European country during the quarantine, it was written that "the elongation achieved by surgery is 2-3 cm". I applaud my colleagues who wrote this; because that's the truth! You cannot accurately measure the elongation obtained by surgery in millimeters. Be realistic!. For the reasons I wrote above, you can only describe the elongation provided in the penis as "2-3 inches". This is what is realistic.

estetik cerrahi There is also a very strange situation. Some plastic surgery clinics in the world have done some studies to keep the fat tissue injected for penis thickening alive. Articles on this subject have even been published. For example, PRP was added to the oil and so on. Such studies were also carried out in our country. They also consulted me in one study and asked me to evaluate their work. I asked: "Why do you want to keep the oil you injected into the penis alive?" The oil injected into the penis should not remain alive, but should die and turn into connective tissue. If the adipose tissue remains alive, the result is bad. The penis becomes very soft, if the patient gains weight, the penis also thickens, and when he loses weight, it becomes thinner. In fact, if the adipose tissue remains alive, masses attached to the living adipose tissue may emerge; like a lipoma. What should it be after all? I will write this in capital letters: THE PENIS MUST HAVE NO LIVE FAT CELLS UNDER THE SKIN. FROM WHERE? BECAUSE IT IS NOT IN NATURE (NOT IN NORMAL HUMAN ANATOMY)! The penile tissue is the only place in the human body that does not have fat cells under the skin! I always say, you will look to nature to see the truth of something. For example, when designing airplanes, they looked at birds and took them as an example. Why do airplanes have wings? Because birds fly with their wings. The only place in the human body that does not have fat cells is the penis tissue. Then why are you trying to keep the adipose tissue injected into the penis alive? Let me tell you the answer: "They are trying to keep the oil injected as a reflex of plastic surgery." But this is wrong. The penis is a very special tissue. There should be no living fat cells under the skin. So why do we inject oil into the penis? Answer: "So that the fat tissue we inject dies and turns into fibrous tissue, that is, the pulp of the remaining adipose tissue, which has turned into connective tissue, makes volume, so that it increases the thickness of the penis." If you inject 60 cc of fat into such a small area, it will not live and die. The connective tissue left behind from the dead adipose tissue increases the diameter of the penis. Here, plastic surgeons around the world are trying to keep the oil alive, thinking that keeping the oil alive will prolong the thickening effect on the penis. Totally wrong, erroneous thought. The most important reason for the long-lasting volumetric effect of the oil is the nutritional habits of the patient. I will explain this subject in detail with an article and youtube video, which I will explain by reflecting my latest ideas. Let me give you a brief summary: "If the patient's eating habits are rich in animal fat, the injected oil stays for a long time. If he is fed with vegetable oils, the fat injected into the penis is partially lost after a while and an additional fat injection is required after 1 year." Many plastic surgery clinics in the world do not know that the quality of the injected fat differs from patient to patient, that the fat taken from the belly is of higher quality in people fed with animal fats and does not melt for a long time. He does not know that oil should not live under the skin of the penis, and he works and publishes articles to keep the oil alive. Can I explain why this issue is not well understood in many countries, we are much more experienced than surgeons abroad? So where does our difference in experience and that we are far ahead of the rest of the world in this regard come from? There are 2 very clear reasons for this.. I am explaining it item by item below (when you read it, you will understand why I told foreign surgeons to come abroad, I should tell them)..

estetik cerrahi 1) in Istanbul; in other words, we are working in the CITY where CIVILIZATIONS MEET. What does it mean? What is the difference of being in Istanbul? Let me explain like this; Foreign surgeons working in Europe only operate on patients living in Europe. Surgeons in the USA generally operate on patients living in the USA. There are few patients who go to these places from our country or from other Muslim countries. Whereas; As I said, Istanbul is a city where civilizations meet. Both the patient group who buy lard from Europe with food and the patients in our country who do not consume lard at all come here. Over the years, we have observed that the fat we remove from the belly in these two patient groups is of a very different structure. I could talk for hours on this subject, but let me briefly summarize in two articles..

estetik cerrahi a) The belly fat tissue feels very dry in patients (patients coming from abroad) who are fed with animal fats (fatty fish such as lard, tail fat, salmon). It's like mashed potatoes. When you filter the oil taken in the surgery, nothing is filtered. When you inject this type of oil into the penis, this fatty tissue turns into connective tissue within 3 weeks, as expected; but then there is no melting. It remains undissolved for many years. Most of the patients I've seen at their 3rd, 5th, and 7th years post-surgery had no lysis at all. I think it will remain intact for many more years. Generally, patients from Europe (including Turks) have this type of fat.

estetik cerrahi b) In patients (local patients) fed with vegetable oils (olive oil, sunflower oil, corn oil), the belly fat tissue is very watery when removed during surgery. When it is filtered, some of it flows out as a liquid. We see this type of adipose tissue mostly in patients residing in our country. I recommend another oil injection a year later, as it generally loses.

estetik cerrahi In no country in the world surgeons are aware of this distinction! No published article mentions the good or bad of belly fat; because surgeons in foreign countries do not work in a city like Istanbul, which is in a very special location. As I said, in this city where civilizations meet, we see the patient who has lard in his food, we also see the patient who never takes lard and is fed with olive oil. Therefore, it is not possible for foreign surgeons to have our experience. So, is it enough to just work in Istanbul to have this experience? See item 2 below.

estetik cerrahi 2) I have been recording all my surgeries with VIDEO for 10 years. As far as I know, there is no second surgeon in Istanbul who has been working hard on penis enlargement surgery and has recorded all his surgeries with video for 10 years. I do not think that "foreign surgeons abroad" do such a thing. As I mentioned above, sometimes patients come for control after 5 years or 7 years. Without the video recordings of these patients, it would be impossible for us to remember how the fat we removed during the surgery was. I watch the video recordings of the patients who come for the control, and when they come for the control, we see how we got results today (5 years, 7 years after the surgery). In this way, our experience in this surgery has been extremely solid. Surgeons abroad are still unaware of the connection between the structure of belly fat, diet and the outcome of the surgery. This is evident from the articles written and published in medical journals. My patient wrote to me: "Sir, I looked at your CV. You have never been abroad for education.." It is normal for this question to make me angry. We need to get rid of this feeling of inferiority as a nation. In our country, plastic surgery is highly developed in every aspect. Where can I go abroad and study? There is no such place!

estetik cerrahi Translation: Google translate

estetik cerrahiDr. Oytun İdil (Plastic and recontructive surgeon)
+90 533 5690649
+90 505 2965569

Op. Dr. Oytun İdil    / Plastic & reconstructive surgeon          Address: Rumeli cad. No:3 D:1 Nişantaşı, Şişli - İstanbul / Türkiye
GSM: +90 533 569 0649 - +90 505 296 5569         Office phone: +90 212 296 3656 - +90 505 137 1393